Thursday, December 3, 2009

Technology and Education: The Final Frontier

I've been mentioning Technolgy and how it relates/affects to education a lot on this blog lately. However, with this approaching research project, I have perfected my idea, and decided what I really wanted to focus on and investigate. I have been researching how education has infiltrated schools and how educators are using technology. Also, I have been looking at those educators who are resistant to the change in education, who may not embrace technological innovations in the same way that a more modern teacher would.

I have been reading numerous blogs and bloggers that write about these topics. One of these people is David Warlick whose blog, 2 cents, has been very helpful and informative. He often writes about how technology has impacted schools and what people learn from technology. Other sources I have been using are: 10,000 words (which involves journalism more, but is still helpful, especially as it concerns how journalism and technology meet which is a whole other blog entry) and chalkdust101, written by Patrick Higgins Jr. that has a plethora of informationm regarding the education of children and what the future of education is from a hand's on perspective. I have also been using various technology blogs, including: Mashable and NY Times Bits.

My future plans are to continue researching a bit more and then begin to compile my sources and start the project. I am planning on using a picture/music site to present my information, such as Animoto. I also hope to use an information gathring source and another Web 2.0 tool from the list.

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